How Do Smart Homes of The Future Look Like?


A hundred years ago people thought that the future would be a bit different from now. They imagined a world where cars could fly and buildings would grow into trees. At some point they were not wrong, today we have electric cars that do not need fuel and are environment friendly. Other than that, yes we do have tree houses but they are not that convent for our daily lives.

What we mean by “people’s thoughts from a hundred years ago” is that they were right at some points, which means our prediction now for our future could be more valid than it used to be. Today we have advanced technology which allows us to make huge changes in a matter of time.

According to data, just by the end of this year, the world population will reach 8 billion people, by which the world would face major changes that will affect even houses, being smaller to save more space.

These are some changes that homes will face in the near future:

Home Security

Home secrecy has changed a lot over the decades, just think about how it used to be some decades before; just some home keys, without any sensors or surveillance cameras to keep us safer. For some people today, this could be a nightmare.

Today, our houses are surrounded by surveillance cameras, different sensors, and radar sensing that keep track of every movement.

Future houses are expected to be monitored every time you step foot onto someone’s property, including here a system that would also protect areas around your house by building future smart yards too. Homeowners can also unlock their doors using facial recognition technology rather than passwords or keys. These facial-recognized scanners will scan your face and unlock the door if you are a homeowner but if you are not, the system will automatically call the nearest police station.

Smart Appliances

We already have smart home appliances now, but imagine how these will change in the near future. According to AI, these are some smart home devices that will change and would be found in almost every house:

  • SMART TOILETS- You will use voice commands to heat up the seat, flush the toilet and even put the seat down. These also include high-tech cleaning abilities to spare you from having to scrub ever again.
  • SMART FRIDGE-  These fridges will be so advantageous since they will do the groceries shopping according to your needs, moreover, they will tell if any product has already expired. There will be some features to count the calories of each food according to the diet you use and show recipes with what you already have in the fridge.
  • SMART OVEN- The future oven will take up less space and will be able to cook faster. Furthermore, these smart ovens will guide you through every step while you cook. In the future, you will not be able to say you are not a cook since these smart ovens will help you out, but you can always excuse yourself for being indolent.
  • ROBOTS- There are already a lot of services that are offered by a robot. However, having a house robot will be a common thing in houses of the future. Services that will be offered by these robots include:
    • Cooking food- Future kitchen robots will be able to chop food and cook it using the oven’s instructions, making our life easier and having more time for other important things.
    • Cleaning- This robot is already our dream. We all complain about our house’s cleaning and chores, therefore we always look for a solution to make our household chores easier. These future cleaning robots will help you clean. Moreover, they will do the tasks of cleaning even more perfectly than a human does.
    • Nanny robots– We already have pets that require care and attention, and having a nanny robot will make things easier for you when you are not around. These nanny robots will do basic tasks like feeding the pets, surveillance, or playing with them.
    • Garden robots- When you have a garden or a yard, it always needs a person to take care of it to stay in a good condition. These robots will help you to accomplish simple tasks in your garden such as grass trimming, watering the plants, moving things, and a lot of other things that will help you to keep your garden in a good condition.
  • LAUNDRY- Nowadays, we already have washing machines that can dry clothes too. But in the near future, there will be a smart device to put your just-dried clothes in there, so it can fold and iron it.

The future homes seem to be highly secure and consume less energy than those today or old ones used to. This kind of technology is already being used in some developed areas, but in a near future, the mentioned technology will be commonly seen in everyday life.

About the Author

Heidi Rosenberg
Heidi Rosenberg is an architect – and a writer for different websites. She is young and ambitious, with a degree in architecture. Her mission is to inspire others to live their dreams and create their perfect sweet home. She puts a big effort into working with her clients and tries to help them in the best way she can." The above post may contain sponsored content.