In-Store Wi-Fi for Convenience Stores

Convenience store owners get the best Wi-Fi services from Signal Connect!

Our Signal Connect division provides the best in-store Wi-Fi. The reps there specialize in bringing this wireless internet to convenience stores. And by “convenience stores,” we mean:

  • Bodegas,
  • Corner stores,
  • Food marts,
  • Mom-and-pop stores,
  • Specialty stores,
  • Party stores,
  • And ethnic food stores.

Yes, you can have fast Wi-Fi just like the supermarkets and big-box retail stores. Actually, the Wi-Fi Signal Connect gets you is probably better than the big boys down the street. We’re excited to tell you all about Signal Connect’s commercial Wi-Fi services. But first, we’ll answer a few of your questions.

“Why Do I Need Wi-Fi?”

Because it’s how you do business in 2021. Seriously, Wi-Fi is just as important as the soda pop, potato chips, and other goods you carry. Sending emails, documents, and files is part of your everyday work experience. So is checking your bank statements, communicating with vendors and suppliers, and so much more. Wi-Fi is something you need, and Signal Connect provides the best service. (More on that later.)

“Fine! Where Can I Buy a Wi-Fi Extender?”

Whoa! Slow down there! Wi-Fi for business is NOT like getting Wi-Fi at home. From your service provider to the equipment you need, there’s a lot more involved. The important thing to know is that your Signal Connect rep will help you with ALL of this. Like I mentioned above, these folks are your commercial Wi-Fi experts.

“Okay. What Kind of Internet Service Do You Offer?”

Glad you asked! As an AT&T Preferred Dealer, Signal Connect offers AT&T Dedicated Internet (ADI). This is offered through ACC Business, which is a division of AT&T. Here’s what that means for convenience store owners like you:

  • A dedicated and managed internet access
  • Service that uses the AT&T IP Backbone (RFC2267-compliant)
  • High-speed performance
  • Account management from AT&T and Signal Connect

“What Do You Mean ‘Account Management’”?

Have you ever needed changes made to your account? You know, like switching a billing address or something like that. When you need this kind of help, you don’t have to contact a busy call center. You just dial up your Signal Connect rep. They’ll take care of everything, and this service is FREE! It’s the same with tech support. If you need help, your rep is a phone call away!

“And What About the Wi-Fi Equipment I Need?”

We carry everything you need over here at Solid Signal. If you’re new to this blog, you might not know that Solid Signal is the nation’s best site for consumer electronics accessories. That’s not us saying that, it’s the folks at Newsweek magazine. (Yes, THAT Newsweek.) Your Signal Connect rep works closely with the folks at Solid Signal to get you the best commercial Wi-Fi equipment at the best prices.

“So, What Do I Have to Do?”

Call Signal Connect at 888-233-7563. It’s really that easy. You’ll connect with one of our reps and they’ll answer any other questions about ACC Business internet technology. If you’re ready to get reliable, high-speed Wi-Fi in your food mart, they can start the process with you over the phone. There are no high-pressure sales; it’s all very relaxed and goes at your speed.

Are you reading this after hours? If so, there’s no need to wait to call Signal Connect tomorrow. Just fill out the form below and click send. Your request goes directly to Mike Kochenderfer, an important player over at Signal Connect. He’ll make sure a qualified Signal Connect rep gets in touch with you in a timely manner. In other words, Mike puts convenience in Wi-Fi for convenience stores!

About the Author

Jake Buckler
Jake Buckler is a cord-cutter, consumer electronics geek, and Celtic folk music fan. Those qualities, and his writing experience, helped him land a copywriting gig at Signal Group, LLC. He also contributes to The Solid Signal Blog.