Search Results for sprint

THE LATEST MONSTROSITY: Sprint buying Charter?

Will the madness ever end? It’s been over four years since the horrific train wreck that kept us on our toes here at The Solid Signal Blog. I’m talking of course about the dizzying tango between…

Why do people keep talking about Sprint?

Read this blog long enough and you’ll realize I don’t like Sprint. Yes, I get it… their prices are lower and the quality of their service is almost as good. But, over the years they’ve just…

Have the people at Sprint gone utterly MAD?

It’s official, I have no idea what is going on in their heads. I’ll admit to having been critical of Sprint over the years. As a long-distance company, they were all right, but it’s been…

Sprint approves Softbank Merger

“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here the people rule.” —President Gerald R. Ford, August 9, 1974 So…

Will Sprint be forced to use US-made equipment?

Will Federal regulators hold up the Sprint deal unless Sprint uses only American-made equipment? It’s possible. As a condition of deal, Softbank may only be allowed to buy Sprint if the FCC can mandate that certain…