Ken Reid and Gianmarco Soresi


January 16-22, 2006


This week Ken welcomes actor and comedian Gianmarco Soresi.


Ken and Gianmarco discuss the smells of NYC, heat, the Fung Wah bus, bus drivers doing bits, “it was a GUY!”, Ellios vs Upper East Side Ellio’s, going to NYC with your Dad, growing up in the DC area, how The Producers is pretty dirty for 8th Grade, being a child of divorce, South Park, party Dads, woods porn, wondering who is secretly a monster, sitcom set for life money, OJ Simpson’s If I Did It, Lost, watching things weekly vs binging, Inside Dr. McDreamy’s Trailer, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, The 700 Club vs. S Club 7, bad wifi in the bathroom, True Blood, 24 and the justification of torture, Homeland, lazy writing posing as progressiveness, Dave Chapelle’s return at Aspen in 2006, Scrubs, Supernatural, Fear Factor, class action suits, 3M paying $40M, Will and Grace, gay sex, Glee, Jane Lynch, owning the corny, Rent, Spike TV Fresh Baked Video Games, Austin Powers, Benny Hill marathons, Inside the Actors Studio, Damon Waynes, Dorothy Hamel, LAPD fighting vampires, The Shield, and not rolling out old people who are too ill to be performing.

I’m Ken Reid, a stand up comedian from Boston, MA and a life long television fan. I’ve been twice nominated as the Best Stand up in Boston and I have been featured on Comedy Central, NPR, Nerdist, and MSN. I own every issue of TV Guide. Each week a guest chooses an issue at random, picks their viewing choices from that week and the show is our discussion of the tough viewing choices of our past. We get into stories about growing up, people’s relationship with television, some cultural/media studies dissection and I spit out a lot of trivia.

Note: The Ken Reid TV Guidance Counselor Podcast is rated PG-13 and may contain mild language.

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.