Ken Reid and Nellie McKay



This week Ken welcomes singer/songwriter Nellie McKay to the show.


Ken and Nellie discuss dogs, growing up in Harlem, warming yourself by the TV when the heating is turned off, David Letterman, subversive art, Conan O’Brien, Ferguson, the cutting edge on the internet, The Jimmy Dore Show, when comedy becomes the gatekeeper of the status quo, corporate overlords, Jimmy Fallon: Comedy Eunuch, Joan Rivers, leaning into viral content, cool music on TV, COPS, not watching TV shows about New York when you are actually IN New York, Catwoman, Batman ‘66, Eartha Kitt, Julie Newmar’s cheese, your music being used in television, representation on TV, how money can corrupt, morality and humanity in art, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, State TV, fake news, commercials, reflective TV vs. aspiration TV, Roseanne, the conflict of entertaining and informing,  Malcolm X’s friendship with Red Foxx, the DIY Dream come to life, the comfort of money, lottery winners, accents, culture wars, Cheers, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, sports culture, Up the Down Staircase, homelessness, poverty, the wonder of old movies, William Shatner’s music career, contrived popstars, Margaret Thatcher’s self loathing, and everyone’s grandmother’s love of TV Guide crosswords.


About Ken Reid

I’m Ken Reid, a stand up comedian from Boston, MA and a life long television fan. I’ve been twice nominated as the Best Stand up in Boston and I have been featured on Comedy Central, NPR, Nerdist, and MSN. I own every issue of TV Guide. Each week a guest chooses an issue at random, picks their viewing choices from that week and the show is our discussion of the tough viewing choices of our past. We get into stories about growing up, people’s relationship with television, some cultural/media studies dissection and I spit out a lot of trivia.

Note: The Ken Reid TV Guidance Counselor Podcast is rated PG-13 and may contain mild language.

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.