Will today’s cell boosters work with tomorrow’s phones?


Futureproofing is always one of those dicey propositions. No matter who you are, if you’ve been around long enough to have a story about when you should have waited just a few more days to buy something. New tech is announced all the time and there have definitely been cases in the past where you were best off waiting. How does this apply to cell phone signal boosters? Well, most of us are tied in some way to Apple’s and Samsung’s yearly upgrade cycles. Even if we’re not on the cutting edge, even if we use other brands of products, we’re affected. As new flagship phones come out all the time, it resets “the bar” and all other phones have to follow suit.

How does this affect your decision to buy a cell phone signal booster? Obviously you don’t want to put out a lot of money for a booster that won’t work in six months. Luckily, this guide is here to tell you what you should and shouldn’t worry about.

What cell boosters do and don’t do

Today’s cell phone signal boosters are miracles of technology. They can instantaneously act as a go-between, pumping up outside signals to your devices and pumping up signals from your devices to go out to cell tower.

Not only do they do this for a nearly unlimited number of devices, they can do it for five different frequency ranges at once. Different carriers use different frequency ranges. Not only that, but different services use different ranges. LTE uses some frequencies, while 5G uses others. A cell booster keeps this all straight. It does it so fast you don’t even feel the lag.

While today’s cell boosters will handle “nationwide 5G,” they don’t do anything for “Ultra Wide Band” or “5G+” frequencies. These frequency ranges are too high for today’s boosters. Even the so-called “mid-band 5G” that you’ve heard about isn’t covered by today’s boosters. It’s not really because it’s impossible, it’s just that we’re not there yet.

Does that mean you should wait?

Absolutely not. Looking forward, there probably will be consumer-level cell boosters that handle those higher frequencies. They already exist for large businesses. However, they’re not on the radar yet, so to speak. There’s no reason to think you will want to wait. If you need a cell booster today, you should get a cell booster today.

Realistically, today’s “nationwide 5G” provides you more speed than you really need, and possibly more than you get from your home-based internet in real-world usage. Even if there were never an opportunity to boost those other frequencies, you’d probably still be satisfied with what you could buy today.

Of course, that’s been said before. Plenty of people, myself included, encouraged folks to buy 3G-only cell boosters at one point. I completely admit that. But, if you had bought a 3G-only booster at some point in the past, it would still work for today’s 5G so you’d still be set.

Get the cell phone signal booster you need

Now is the time to get a great deal on a cell phone signal booster. Shop the great selection at Solid Signal and you won’t feel like what you’re buying will be obsolete tomorrow. If you’re not sure which booster is for you, call us at 888-233-7563 during East Coast business hours. If it’s after hours, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you, usually within one business day.

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.