WHITE PAPER: Extending your DIRECTV Signal

What’s the max length of a DIRECTV cable? What’s the maximum distance between a receiver and a SWM? These are questions asked every day and the problem is there’s no easy answer. We have downloadable calculators available but…

Are legacy multiswitches being discontinued?

At one time, this Spaun multiswitch was one of our hot sellers at Solid Signal. These days we don’t sell nearly as many. Shrewd observers might even note that several other Spaun products have been discontinued and…

Holy Resource Batman!

I’ve spent a lot of time talking about using technology for those of us that are a little afraid of tech. But, you know, there’s so many resources out there that I think it’s time…

Is CB Radio dead?

There’s a huge portion of the population who weren’t even alive during the CB craze of the 1970s. It was the equivalent of facebook, twitter and chatrooms all in one — a technology that let you…

HBO Ready to “GO” at a moment’s notice

Game of Thrones without a cable subscription? If you’re not salivating at that idea, chances are your kid or someone you know is. With the cost of cable TV including HBO now well over $100 per month,…