Check out the all-new!


That’s right folks, it was time for a renovation. is the site focusing on our commercial sales and service operation. It’s new and better than ever. If you don’t believe me, take a look! We’ve been revising it for months, slowly but surely, and it’s ready for all of you to check it out.

What is Signal Connect?

The Signal Connect division was formed in 2008. Signal Group, our corporate parent, formed Signal Connect to provide a higher level of service to our customers. Before that, we were focused only on e-commerce, but with Signal Connect, we had a way to help businesses and large operations achieve what they’d only dreamed of. Of course it took off immediately, despite the recession of those days.

Signal Connect wasn’t focused on the web like was, and the web page from 2012 shows it:

It’s not that this was such a bad page, but let’s be honest it was a little static.

2016 Refresh

Our corporate communications team took a look at Signal Connect’s web presence, and we relaunched as an interactive way to learn more about our staff and the services we provide.

Of course the site took off in popularity and Signal Connect continued to grow.

Flash forward to today

Today, no one does more RV and marine satellite installs than Signal Connect, but we’re so much more than that. From large facility wiring to massive cell booster installations, our group continues to grow and thrive. As AT&T Preferred Dealers, we can offer the best deals on phones and service, too.

The new, streamlined does more than just introduce you to our staff. Of course it still does do those introductions, but there’s a lot more to the story. You can learn about the ways our staff has helped businesses to achieve their goals. You can get interactive help with your issues and get connected with a rep for a custom quote.

In fact, has become an important way for our customers to get the help they need. While The Solid Signal Blog will always be there for DIYers, businesses now have the portal they need to make their wishes come true.

If you’re curious, check out and feel free to kick the tires!

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.