Ken Reid and Mike Dorval



October 24-30, 1987


This week Ken welcomes actor, comedian and all around entertainer Mike Dorval to the show.


Ken and Mike discuss unnatural heat waves, Flirting with Disaster, Alan Alda, Albert Brooks vs. Woody Allen, age appropriate leading ladies, Moon Zapa’s father’s facial hair, defending Louie’s shows, the mechanics of separating the art from the artist, ASMR, StarCase, cable, Rhode Island, a cableless existence, vacation viewing, Hardbodies, Loose Screws, 80s T&A Comedies, Revenge of the Nerds, the darkness of The Last American Virgin, Cannon Films, Lemon Popsicle, Amazon Prime, Force Five, Mr. Big’s Toyland, Frankenstein Jr., Moonlighting,  Laverne and Shirley’s California season, Facts of Life, Over Our Heads, “Funusual”, backdoor pilots, re-casting Punchline, Spenser for Hire, Celtic Pride, CHUD money, The Hollywood blacklist, how new media is basically re-building cable, 227, the lie of apartments above garages, Our House, Family Ties, cocaine, Werewolf, Ken’s love of Traci Lind, Married…with Children, The World Series of Baseball, Alf, Kate & Allie, Newhart, weirdness on TV, Who’s the Boss, how a little  Mona goes a long way, dragging on with the will they won’t they, Growing Pains, How I Got Into College, Phil Hartman, Nora Dunn, Highway to Heaven, John Ritter’s undervalued movie career, Robert Mitchum on The Equalizer, St. Elsewhere, Sledgehammer, Night Court, LA Law, Disney DTV Monster Hits, Miami Vice, *batteries not included, The Hollywood Museum, Denitra Vance, Paul Provenza in The Pursuit of Happiness, and Harry Anderson as Circus Folk.


About Ken Reid

I’m Ken Reid, a stand up comedian from Boston, MA and a life long television fan. I’ve been twice nominated as the Best Stand up in Boston and I have been featured on Comedy Central, NPR, Nerdist, and MSN. I own every issue of TV Guide. Each week a guest chooses an issue at random, picks their viewing choices from that week and the show is our discussion of the tough viewing choices of our past. We get into stories about growing up, people’s relationship with television, some cultural/media studies dissection and I spit out a lot of trivia.

Note: The Ken Reid TV Guidance Counselor Podcast is rated PG-13 and may contain mild language.

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.