Why get residential internet from a third party? Why not just call the cable company?

Hey, remember those old commercials that said “we cut out the middleman?” It was common enough that pretty much everyone over 40 probably has heard the phrase. If you listened to those old ads, you’d end up thinking that “middlemen” were these trolls who did nothing but suck up your money for no good reason. Maybe that was true then, but is it true now?

Residential internet from Signal Connect

Signal Connect, the full-service arm of Solid Signal, offers residential internet services. But, we don’t actually provide internet at the home. I suppose that makes us “middlemen.” But before you stop reading, there’s a good reason that you would want to work with us.

Yes, we work with a lot of different service providers. Chances are we work with your local cable company. We also work with cellular and satellite providers, as well as fiber-based companies all over the country. We have negotiated what are called “bulk contracts” with many of them. And that means you can save money.

Bulk contracts?

The idea of a bulk contract is simple. We work with these companies and we commit to making sure we get them “X number” of customers. They in turn offer us the service at a discount, less than the normal person pays. We could keep all that profit for ourselves, but we don’t. We pass along fair savings to you, meaning that you can save some money.

If you’re willing, we can also look at the other services you have, like cellular and television, to see if there are bundle savings that can be applied. We’re happy to look as deeply as you’d like.

Of course, we don’t charge for all this comparison work, and of course there’s no obligation. We don’t believe in “hard sales.” We believe the services we offer speak for themselves and if we can help you, we will.

Work with the winning team

Let’s be honest here. Most internet companies aren’t known for their customer service. They usually make the list of “most hated” companies! That’s another reason to work with Signal Connect. The company has received awards for the quality of our customer service. We believe every person deserves to get our full attention, and that every person deserves to talk to a real expert. SIgnal Connect doesn’t use overseas call centers or script readers. We have a super-selective hiring process that’s designed to bring the best people forward. The goal? It’s called “white glove service.” Our customers deserve it. YOU deserve it. And we are ready to provide it.

It all starts with a call to 888-233-7563. That’s the main number for Signal Connect. Call us during East Coast business hours. Why East Coast hours? We want you to call when the whole team can be here for you. You’ll connect with the right person. Once you do, you’ll get their direct phone number, and you can talk about the call times that are best for you.

If you’d rather work over email, fill out the form below! We’ll get back to you, usually within one business day!

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.