Are you going to the International Workboat show? Let’s meet up!

David Ross

This one goes out to the folks who work for a living. Leisure time on the water is great, but what about the folks who make it happen? I’m talking about tugboat operators, ferry workers, even the folks who work on large container ships. We talk a lot about leisure craft on this blog, but let’s not forget about you folks. Without you, the world is going to come to a stop. Plain and simple. And you deserve to have the same high technology on your boats that the rich folks have on theirs.

Going to New Orleans?

If you’re in the workboat industry, you’re probably aware of the International WorkBoat Show. It’s happening this week, from November 30 until December 2, in New Orleans. (You can get more information here if you’d like.) If you’re planning to be anywhere near it, it’s worth your time to check it out.

While you’re there, you’re going to want to connect with David Ross. He’s our marine super-expert. Instead of exhibiting, he’s going to be in New Orleans making the most of his one-on-one time. He’s something of a superstar in these shows… no matter where he goes he’s instantly recognized and he’s always in high demand. It’s because he’s the one person in the world you really want to know when it comes to entertainment and information on the water. He’s your friend in the business. He understands that this stuff is too complex for you to worry about and he’s the one who’s there to make it easy.

Talk to David about…

If it has to do with a phone, a computer, or a TV, and it happens on the water, you’re going to want to talk to David. He’s got a whole set of solutions for you whether you work for a living or just enjoy a life on the water. I’m talking about:

Marine Satellite TV

You’ve probably figured out by now that satellite TV for boats is just a little different from satellite TV for homes. Other forms of pay-TV are right out, because you just can’t run a cable to your boat. With satellite TV, you can enjoy your off time with hundreds of channels of entertainment. But, you need special equipment and you need someone who knows how to put it all together. That’s where David comes in.

Cellular solutions

If you’re someone who spends their entire day on the water, within sight of land, you probably want to look at some sort of cellular solution. You probably know that cell phones don’t always work once you get offshore. You’ve probably noticed that even if they work on deck, they won’t work below decks. There are ways to get rid of these problems permanently. With the phone you already have, you can shop, socialize, search… whatever you want. There’s a system called a cell phone signal booster that can be installed on the boat to eliminate cell phone issues when you’re in sight of land. You’ll want to know more… much more. What I can tell you is that this system is priced less than one phone and will work with all your phones at once. It’s also futureproof. It’s worth checking out

Satellite internet

Right now the world of satellite internet is changing fast. You have the choice of a proven solution that is a little slower but will be futureproof, or a new system from a startup company that is faster, but more expensive and might not work in a few years. It’s up to you! No matter what you need, we can help. We have satellite internet packages that fit in perfectly with boats and we know how to get you hooked up.

How to contact David Ross

Here’s the link you want to go to. I’ll spell it out so you can remember it… You’ll get to know a little bit about David Ross. His cell phone number is there too. If you have a moment, the best thing to do is fill out the form at the bottom of that page. That way we can get you in David’s calendar. He’s a busy guy and we want to make sure he has time for everyone! You’ll find David most of the time at Intellian’s booth, #3154.

Enjoy the Workboat show, but if you’re not able to go, head on over to that page anyway and you can set up an appointment for after the show!

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.