Signal Connect is a member of NMEA

Signal Connect is proud to be a member of the National Marine Electronics Association!

It makes perfect sense that Signal Connect would join the National Marine Electronics Association, aka NMEA. The association promotes the safety of marine electronics, and Signal Connect works with marine electronics installers on both coasts and every place in between. This association between Signal Connect and the NMEA isn’t new. Our satellite TV division has a history of working hand-in-hand with the NMEA toward its goal of educating marine electronics installers. Let’s take a closer look.

What is the NMEA?

The National Marine Electronics Association is an organization that’s committed to enhancing the technology and safety of marine electronics. The group facilitates and supports the development and implementation of standards and uniform government regulations for recreational and regulated vessels used in the marine electronics industry. The NMEA’s annual conference and expo is for installers and everyone else who works in the professional marine electronics industry. Learn more by visiting the official NMEA website.

Why Did Signal Connect Become Members?

It’s not exactly rocket science; it’s more like marine science… or good old-fashioned common sense. Our Signal Connect division in the No. 1 source for DIRECTV for boats, marinas, and oil rigs. We work with marine electronics installers on both coasts to help them serve their customers. The marine team at Signal Connect believes in the NMEA and its mission to increase safety. Joining the organization makes perfect sense.

Will Signal Connect be at NMEA Events?

Absolutely! In fact, we’ve been there before. In 2017 and 2018, our marine team attended the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) Expo. In both cases, our team conducted presentations. During these events, our team shared important satellite TV installation and activation tips with a large group of marine electronics installers and manufacturers. Some of the topics included:

  • The differences between commercial and residential accounts,
  • And suspending accounts during the off-season.

This information helped installers add revenue, reduce costs, and increase productivity with marine satellite TV. At the end of the presentations, the Signal Connect team asked if anyone learned something new from these presentations. Every hand in the room went up, which validated all the hard work our marine team put into these events.

DIRECTV Account Activation on the Go!

The 2018 NMEA conference was a time for our marine team to do what they do best: DIRECTV activations. Team member David Ross was asked to activate an account on a yacht. Apparently, the boat’s owner needed it done right away, and the installer didn’t have time to call DIRECTV’s busy call center. (That process can take over an hour if you don’t know who to call.) David pulled out his cellphone and had the account activated in a few minutes!

DIRECTV activation is an important part of what Signal Connect does. Marine electronics installers on both coasts know this. That’s why they partner with Signal Connect to have our team take care of this. It’s very easy to do and it won’t cost you a thing. Basically, you send us your activation requests and someone from our marine team will get that account activated right away. This keeps you off the phone for hours, which saves you time AND money. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Will I See Signal Connect at NMEA Events?

There’s a very good chance you will, but you don’t have to wait until then to talk to them. Are you a marine electronics installer who’d like to partner with us for quick DIRECTV activations? Or maybe you’re a boat owner who wants a DIRECTV solution? Either way, you can call Signal Connect at 888-233-7563. You also can fill out the form below and send it to us. Someone from our marine team – aka “The Marine Dream Team” – will reach out.

About the Author

Jake Buckler
Jake Buckler is a cord-cutter, consumer electronics geek, and Celtic folk music fan. Those qualities, and his writing experience, helped him land a copywriting gig at Signal Group, LLC. He also contributes to The Solid Signal Blog.