Cars 3 is everything that’s wrong with Pixar right now. The studio that brought us the memorable moments of Toy Story and The Incredibles is now pandering to multiple sequels in a presumed attempt to keep their merchandising and theme parks…

Are we ready for a $1,000 cell phone?

It’s actually not the first cell to reach that price. For years, a company called Vertu has been selling gold-plated luxury phones that cost as much as $10,000 and come with free concierge service. Now that’s a smart…

OPINION: One bill, one little bill…

How much do you pay for internet? Providers certainly make it hard for you to know. You might be paying for a bundle that includes landline phone and TV, which probably costs about $120 a month…

iPad Pro 10.5 Review … kind of

I do not have an iPad Pro 10.5 for review. I’m just not that well-heeled in the blogging community. Believe me I wish I did. But that’s ok, this isn’t that kind of review. The…

Get to know “Easy F”

There’s a reason they call it “Easy.’ With the Easy F connection system featured on Televes outdoor amplifiers and coming soon to other Televes products, you don’t need commercial-grade skills to connect equipment together with the right length…

Taxing the internet: a good idea?

The internet has been a tax-free zone since 1992. In those days it was just too hard for out-of-state retailers to figure out how to collect taxes and send them to all 50 states. The ruling…