7 Gadgets For Studying At Any Age


Students need to study throughout their school experience in order to pass exams and master different subjects. As necessary as it is, studying can be difficult without tools to help them memorize and review what they need to know. Here are seven gadgets that work for studying at any age.

1. Virtual Flash Cards

Flash cards are a staple study strategy for memorization. Traditional flash cards are made with index cards, but websites and applications have revolutionized this study method.

Virtual flashcard websites like Cram and Flashdecks are great for younger students that already use their computers for homework and schooling. Busy teens and older adults can significantly benefit from smartphone apps like Quizlet and Brainscape that allow them to study during their free time.

Both platforms allow students to type information on the flashcards, then swipe or click to flip. They can also create packs they can revisit anytime or share their flashcards with friends.

2. Reusable Notebook

Whether a student is studying pre-algebra or preparing for their Executive Assessment Test, notebooks are a valuable tool both in the classroom and out. It’s easy to go through multiple notebooks in a semester, wasting paper and giving students more items to keep track of and carry around.

These problems are where reusable notebooks come in handy. You can take your notes and study for as long as you need to before erasing the content and making the pages new, helping students keep organized for important interviews and meetings.

Several of these notebooks connect to a smartphone app or computer website vis the cloud. This helps students organize their notes virtually and share them online without having to type them. It also lets them erase the information, allowing them to take one notebook to every class.

3. Blue-Light Blocking Glasses

Learning is more virtual than ever, with schools utilizing computer modules more frequently since the COVID-19 pandemic. Computers, tablets and smartphones all release blue light, which can cause side effects like eye fatigue, blurry vision and headaches.

Blue-light blocking glasses protect students’ eyes from the impact of this light as they study and learn. They’re relatively inexpensive and can help pupils of any age learn more comfortably.

4. Smart Lights

An underrated study tool is light. The color of a student’s room light can affect their concentration and ability to study.

Green and blue tones can improve well-being, which can increase the effectiveness of studying. Blue light also promotes productivity. Yellow light helps students stay energetic, which is great for late-night study sessions.

Companies like Philips create color-changing bulbs students and parents can control from a phone application. This allows everyone to adjust the light to their study needs.

5. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Life gets busy and it’s not always easy to find time to study in a quiet environment. Noise-canceling headphones are an excellent solution that blocks external noise and allows students to focus on the material in front of them.

These are also great for listening to lectures or audiobooks students need to revisit before an exam. Use noise-canceling headphones to study in near-silence or play gentle background music to focus without disturbing others.

6. Bluetooth Speaker

Sometimes, a student’s eyes need a break from books and screens and long-term headphone use can cause soreness and headaches. Bluetooth speakers are a great solution to these problems.

Kids can use the speakers to listen to lessons and learning aids without a headset. They can also utilize them in study groups. Adult students can play with materials on the Bluetooth speaker while completing other necessary tasks, like cooking dinner or doing laundry.

Companies make portable Bluetooth speakers students can carry with them as well as permanent speakers they can place in their primary study area.

7. Virtual Timer

It’s easy for students of any age to get caught in the trap of trying to have one large study session without any breaks. Unfortunately, many end up burning themselves out and cannot retain the information or complete the materials they need to prepare for their exam.

Some websites and phone applications allow students to set incremental timers that go off every 20-30 minutes to help them take short breaks throughout their study sessions. These timers utilize the Pomodoro technique to increase productivity and make tasks seem less daunting.

Useful Gadgets for Any Student

Studying can be difficult for students of all ages, but gadgets can help them review and memorize the necessary materials for exams. By taking advantage of the study aids out there, all students can learn better and succeed.

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About the Author

Devin Partida
Devin Partida writes about retail, consumer electronics and technology in general. To read more from Devin, visit her page on ReHack.com.