7 Gadgets for Workplace Ergonomics (And Why It’s Important!)


Ergonomics is the term for making a workplace more suited to the worker. Particular office supplies can allow employees to align their musculoskeletal systems, creating happier and healthier work environments.

Do you need some ideas on how to incorporate ergonomics into your workplace? Here are seven gadgets you can use and why they’re necessary for your health.

Why Is Ergonomics Important?

When you’re at a job for long hours at a hunched or awkward angle, it can put stress on your muscles, causing fatigue and body aches. This can distract you from work and cause some damage to your body in the long run.

With proper alignment, you’ll feel more muscle activity throughout the day and can reduce those aches and pains.

The first computer designs didn’t consider the human body with the limited experience designers had in the field. The small screens, block-like mouses and clunky rectangular keyboards didn’t do much for the average worker.

Many offices are seeing how designing with the worker in mind can benefit everyone. Some noticed their turnover rate drop by as much as 86%, while others saw sharp increases in productivity. By implementing ergonomics into your workspace, you could see fewer errors, injuries and illnesses.

Items that Improve Workplace Ergonomics

What things can you use to boost the ergonomics of your office or work-from-home setup? Here are seven ideas for making work more comfortable.

1. A Quality Chair

This may seem simple, but choosing the right office chair can make a difference. You’ll want to choose an adjustable chair with lower back support to keep your spine correctly aligned. Also, ensure you have support for your head and neck.

To keep your body in a neutral position, have your arms rest to keep your computer at a comfortable length away. Additionally, adjust your chair so your eyes look at your computer at around a 30° angle.

2. An Adjustable Height Desk

To go along with your ergonomic chair, opt for an adjustable-height desk to keep yourself feeling good. This desk will also allow you to sit or stand during work, keeping your hips active throughout the day.

When you’re sitting, have your desk at a height where you can be in a neutral position with your feet touching the floor. When standing, ensure you’re keeping good posture with your head, arms and legs in alignment.

3. An Ergonomic Keyboard

The standard keyboard design forces you to raise your wrist without much support, which can cause issues down the road like carpal tunnel syndrome. Ergonomic keyboards can combat this with plenty of wrist support and the keys spaced to naturally keep your arms in alignment.

Once you start using one of these, you won’t want to type on a standard keyboard again.

4. A Quality Headset

Whether you’re someone with many video conferences, need to free your hands or just prefer to listen to music while you work, it’s essential to invest in a quality headset.

There are a lot of factors that come into play when deciding on the most ergonomic headset for you.

You’ll want to ensure that the cups are large enough to encompass your ear but not too large that they cause the band to put pressure on the top of your head. You’ll also want to ensure the cups encase your ears but don’t clamp down too much. Getting a headset with rotating cups can help them contour to your ears.

You’ll also want to judge whether the band is too large that it falls off your head or too small that it adds unneeded pressure.

Choosing the right headset could help reduce the risk of headaches and ear pain developing throughout the workday.

5. A Phone Charging Stand

If you work at a job that requires you to have your cell phone on you at all times, it could be worth investing in a phone stand that also charges your phone.

A phone stand grants your eyes easy access to the screen if you need to see if a message or phone call is crucial. It eliminates the need to crane or bend your neck to access your device.

While there are phone stands with no charging capability, it wouldn’t hurt to have one so you aren’t trying to accommodate your position around a charging cord.

6. An Ergonomic Mouse

Small but mighty — an ergonomic mouse can make a huge difference in your health. These computer mice designs conform to your hand, unlike typical computer mice that you have to hold at an awkward angle.

These mice are designed with your palm in mind, relieving stress in your hands, arms and shoulders.

7. A Wobble Cushion or Stool

A slimmer option to what you might find when searching for an ergonomic desk chair is a wobble stool or cushion. These seating options allow you to engage in “active sitting,” which increases blood flow and engages your core.

The motion available from these products may also benefit your immune and digestive systems when you use them frequently.

Utilize Ergonomics for Better Work

An ergonomic setup can make a huge difference in your health and productivity. There are various options at different prices, so look to see what’s right for you. If you can, go to a store to try out a device before getting it home to ensure you get the best product possible.

The proper ergonomic devices will help you feel physically and mentally better about your workday.

About the Author

Devin Partida
Devin Partida writes about retail, consumer electronics and technology in general. To read more from Devin, visit her page on ReHack.com.