Can a flat antenna really get better reception lying down?


Sometimes… yes. When we tested the generation 1 HD-BLADE last year, we found quite surprisingly that it did some of its best work lying down. In fact, it did pretty darn well with a cat sitting on it. That flies in the face of most logic, but results are results.

For the most part, a flat antenna will do its best work standing up, but until the release of our HD-Blade Stand, it wasn’t always possible to aim the antenna properly by attaching it to the wall. Proper aim is critical for getting the best possible reception and without it, you won’t get the channels you want. Sometimes, though, it’s important to think three-dimensionally.

For the most part… the strongest signals will come by pointing the antenna directly at broadcast towers. That means having the wide, flat surface of the antenna pointing in the direction of the broadcast sources. However, there are plenty of situations where you’ll get the strongest signals some other way. If you have a mountain range to the north, you may find that the signals that bounce off it give you better results than aiming directly at the towers. It doesn’t make sense, but results are results.

In particularly smoggy areas, it’s actually possible to get better reception by aiming the antenna straight up… the layer of smoggy air bounces the signals back down to you without any obstructions in between.

The point here is… take the time to try some really unconventional aiming techniques when using an indoor antenna. You’ll find that it’s worth your while.

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.