
HUGE DIRECTV FREE PREVIEW starts tomorrow (2/17)

This is the big one. DIRECTV is opening up ALL its premium channels, that’s HBO, Cinemax, Starz, and Showtime for a few days. The free preview starts midnight local time at the beginning of February…

Watch Planet Earth II in 4K on DIRECTV and DISH

The original Planet Earth won award after award for its beautiful HD photography. That was ten years ago, and its 1080i quality hasn’t held up. It’s still beautiful, but it’s not eye-popping like it was then. Planet…

The machine that ruined the world?

I guess for some people, progress is all about ruining the fun for other people. For every person who tells you how easy it is for things to get done today, for every guy who never…

DIRECTV adds even more sports in 4K

Score one for college basketball fans… DIRECTV’s about to make you even happier. Starting this weekend, you’ll see a series of 4K basketball games. The first is the Cal-Stanford game this Saturday February 17, at 10pm…

The surprising rebound of Windows PCs

One of the surprising winners of 2016 was a company who had been nearly written off for dead: Microsoft. Back in 2012 I called their latest operating system a “day 1 fail” and called Microsoft’s hardware “doomed.” Well, you can…

FUN FRIDAY: Bug or Feature?

Going way off topic this week, apparently scientist have discovered what may be a completely different species of insect from anything that has ever been seen before. Aethiocarenus burmanicus is unlike anything you (or science) has ever seen….

A marine rated cell booster?

Yes, I mean a real, beginning-to-end marine-rated cell booster. This Super Halo from Shakespeare is completely designed for marine needs. It will help you get great reception from further than you ever thought possible. Land-based cell towers…

Did you know Solid Signal sells hand tools?

And not just gloves. Yeah, sometimes our interns get too literal when we ask for things like “pictures of hand tools.” I mean, we do sell these gloves and they’re pretty good gloves too. But, they’re…

New FCC Commissioner says DIRECTV NOW is safe

Boys and girls, here’s a lesson on how politics affects your life. The former FCC Chair, Tom Wheeler, became a strong advocate for net neutrality after he was scolded for his views on the subject. He…