Search Results for 5g

Is there a limit to Wi-Fi range?

As you’re sitting in the living room wondering why the wi-fi from the bedroom isn’t getting all the way to you, you might be wondering exactly how far a wi-fi signal can travel. The answer, it…

OPINION: One bill, one little bill…

How much do you pay for internet? Providers certainly make it hard for you to know. You might be paying for a bundle that includes landline phone and TV, which probably costs about $120 a month…


5G is coming. We all know this. It’s still a while off, but it’s actually far more interesting than 4G, 3G, or any of the other “G’s” that came before it. Why? Because 5G doesn’t just…

What is AWS?

You hear a lot about LTE. Everyone loves LTE. But occasionally, you hear a little bit about AWS. It’s almost always an afterthought… it seems that LTE has captured the public’s imagination but AWS doesn’t seem…

US is now 10th in broadband speeds

Well at least we beat Bulgaria. There’s a new report out detailing the world’s internet usage, and it’s not exactly great news for US users. We’re tenth out of the top ten in speeds, with an…

AT&T losing bid for Straight Path?

This morning, Engadget reported that AT&T’s bid for Straight Path Communications, thought to be ironclad, was trounced by an unnamed competitor, thought to be Verizon. AT&T had put $1.6 billion on the table for the small communications company,…

DISH to merge with Amazon and T-Mobile?

Not the strangest rumor I’ve heard all day. My normal morning deep dive into the internet found this article from Tim Farrar, a self-proclaimed wireless industry analyst. In it, he floats the not-unreasonable idea that Amazon might snap…