Insider Guide to the Best Stuff (part 1)

Do you want the hook up on the best electronic products? Your inside sources at Solid Signal have the best online deals! Meet Mike Masura. He’s the fearless leader of Solid Signal’s customer service department. Mike has…

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Fall Preview 2017: Where are the shows?

The fall preview guides written by myself and Jake Buckler were some of the best-read articles we wrote last year, so I thought it time, now that fall is around the corner, to get you up to date on the…

NEW VIDEO: Unboxing the NiteCore Tip

Who needs a flashlight when you have a cell phone? Well, everyone needs this NiteCore Tip flashlight. It’s the brightest mini flashlight you’ll find — about the size of a pair of AA batteries — and…

Don’t trust those cell phone bars

Remember this chart? It made the rounds a few years ago when Apple was trying to convince everyone that their iPhone didn’t have antenna issues. It’s a little dated but the problem it displays is still…


Forget for a minute how the sound gets to your home theater. Forget that it might have traveled a mile in digital form, 80 miles in analog form, or come through a wire with megabits of…

THROWBACK THURSDAY: The channel no one watched

Four seasons and it’s still not solved. Back in February 2014, the world watched in utter boredom as SportsNet LA, known to anyone who cares as “The Dodgers Channel,” launched to absolutely no fanfare whatsoever. The channel, which…

Get serious — get a power bank from Solid Signal

Quick question: which would make you more upset– leaving the house without your phone or leaving the house without underwear? Be honest. Chances are you’d be desperate if you were without your phone all day. Even…