Search Results for remote

What is net neutrality?

Maybe you’ve heard the term and maybe you’ve never been curious before. But, with “over-the-top” streaming services like Netflix getting more popular, it’s something you might want to get familiar with. Net neutrality is the idea…

Aereo is going to the Supreme Court

Here we go… Major broadcast networks are taking the Aereo fight right to the top. Reuters reports that the four US networks filed a request to have the Supreme Court hear the case of whether or not Aereo’s novel…

CEDIA Expo 2013: Day 2 Report

Another exciting day on the CEDIA Expo show floor! Today we had the chance to visit a few of the more distant booths. For every behemoth like Crestron or AMX, there are ten little booths filled…

Can you use an RVU TV without a SWM System?

You’ve heard of these TVs that show DIRECTV Service without needing a box at the TV? They’re called RVU TVs. Our tech desk was recently asked if you can use these RVU televisions without having SWM technology….

WHITE PAPER: Choosing the right LNB

The problem is, they all kinda look alike, right? If you have decided to change your DIRECTV LNB you have several choices. Pick the right one and you will have reliable service for years to come….