fun friday


I geek out about Star Wars, but then there’s a whole other level where you make your own stormtrooper armor then shoot your own fan films. What you see above you is just one of them, talking…

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FUN FRIDAY: This is Great TV

While I usually extol the virtues of streaming, I’ve developed a renewed hope in traditional TV these days. A big part of this inspiration is due to NBC’s latest drama series, This is Us. My biggest problem…

FUN FRIDAY: Justice for Barb

Spoilers for Stranger Things ahead. One of the rare surprises in a summer filled with duds came in the form of Netflix’s Stranger Things. The nearly-perfect recreation of a 1980s’ kid-horror-suspense film brought Gen-Xers back to their own childhoods, and…


We all know it’s not good for us. There’s no disputing it, though… McDonalds’ fortunes may rise and fall but they’re here to stay. The company has roughly 35 quadrillion locations(slight exaggeration) all over the world…

FUN FRIDAY: Eleven is the Monster

Warning: Radical, artsy-fartsy film analysis theory about Stranger Things to follow! Are you Stranger Things fan who’s left wondering about the origins of the Monster, and why Barb had to die? I have some theories for you to consider….

FUN FRIDAY: Funky Robots

Take a moment from your natural paranoia concerning robots taking over the world (or is that just my natural paranoia?) to observe the latest in robot walking technology. Robots need to be able to walk if…

FUN FRIDAY: Movies in Space

Although most of us would love to go to space, it’s fair to say that life up there has its share of inconveniences. There’s the whole space toilet thing, and let’s not get in to that….

FUN FRIDAY: Star Wars AGAIN?!?!?!?

OK, perhaps I need to get into a 12-step program for Star Wars addicts. But it’s not my fault! (I know, that’s what addicts say.) This is an exciting time to be in a galaxy far, far away…

FUN FRIDAY: Tiny Spock

I’ve actually been holding onto this one for a couple of weeks. but since I just found out I won’t be able to go to Comic-Con this year, I decided to let go of it. It’s…

FUN FRIDAY: DC’s new logo

OK, hold on a second. I know you’re thinking this has absolutely nothing to do with the products at and on the face of it you’re right. But DC is a powerhouse. It’s not only…

Free Movie Friday: Prophecy

In the mood for a free movie? I have one I recommend and it might just scare the living daylights out of you! Like most of the free movies I watch, this one is found in…