Fun and Games

FUN FRIDAY: Sword of Wonder

I know this is one that Jake Buckler, the blog’s resident Norse warrior, will be all over. Apparently archaeologists in Scotland have found a 3,000-year-old bronze sword in remarkably good condition. It seems they were building a…

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One of the biggest mistakes Microsoft made in the 2000s was called “.NET.” It was supposed to be an easy way to build apps that worked on your computer and on the web, and it was…


Three years ago this week, SportsNet LA, known to most folks as “The Dodgers Channel,” went on the air. We covered it here. At the time, only Time Warner Cable customers could see it, along with a…

FUN FRIDAY: The Narrow World

I saw this short film a couple of weeks ago and can’t get it out of my head. Called The Narrow World,, you’re meant to think at first that it’s a riff off every alien-landing movie…

FUN FRIDAY: Bug or Feature?

Going way off topic this week, apparently scientist have discovered what may be a completely different species of insect from anything that has ever been seen before. Aethiocarenus burmanicus is unlike anything you (or science) has ever seen….

FUN FRIDAY: Bird with a Pearl Earring

If you haven’t visited, you’re missing a lot. The site has been running Photoshop contents for nigh on a decade that combine the truly artistic with the oddly laughable. Their recent contest had participants recreating…

FUN FRIDAY: The Voorhees story

According to the internet (which is always right) You get a Friday the 13th about every 212 days. So, three times in two years. Since it’s the first Friday the 13th of the year, my thoughts…

FUN FRIDAY: Life in 2017 (as seen from 2007)

This recently unearthed video shows us what people thought things would be like in 2017. It was made back in 2007 and I’m not saying it’s wrong, just not quite right. Facial recognition? check. Biometric payments?…

FUN FRIDAY: Back to the moon?

Ever since I read that a German team is planning to send an unmanned probe back to the moon, I’ve been fascinated. The moon landing was, I would say, one of the seminal events in my young…

FUN FRIDAY: Not even one week until…

December is famous for a lot of things, but for the most part we associate it with a number of holidays. Today is “Black Friday,” the day when the holiday shopping season traditionally kicks off. But…

FUN FRIDAY: Stupid Cats

Look, I’m not the first one to say it. This year hasn’t exactly been easy for a lot of people. And here we are, finally at the end of it, at least in the last month…


I pick on millennials a lot. But I shouldn’t considering they’ll run the world when I retire. If you’re one of that magic generation born between 1980 and 1995, who grew up with participation medals, tamagotchis,…