Fun and Games

Meet Your Signal Pro: Earlene Burden

At Solid Signal, it’s our team that makes us the premier online destination for satellite TV, antenna, and cellular enthusiasts. Each of our Signal Pros answers calls, emails, and chats to help you find the product…

FUN FRIDAY: DC’s new logo

OK, hold on a second. I know you’re thinking this has absolutely nothing to do with the products at and on the face of it you’re right. But DC is a powerhouse. It’s not only…

Free Movie Friday: Prophecy

In the mood for a free movie? I have one I recommend and it might just scare the living daylights out of you! Like most of the free movies I watch, this one is found in…

FUN FRIDAY: Two for one

OK Blog Readers,I’ll admit it… I’m beat on this Friday afternoon. I had every intention of writing this long article about celluloid film and how it was the cornerstone of image technology in the 20th…


Definitely off topic,, but the other day I ran into this video, which was presumably made for some promotional purpose back in 1934. It’s not like I think you all really care about tire manufacturing,…

FUN FRIDAY: Superhero movies, ranked

Will we ever run out of superheroes to make movies about? If the first few months of 2016 are any indication, the answer is no. Deadpool once again rewrote the book on super flicks and even thought Batman v…

FUN FRIDAY: Think inside the box

That’s right, inside the box. You know, it’s a rare day when I don’t hear someone telling someone to think outside the box. It’s one of the most overused pieces of corporate quackery. So it’s refreshing to find…

FUN FRIDAY: Paper Airplanes

It’s Friday and you really don’t want to work. I’m not saying you’re going to hang around work being unproductive, but let’s just say that for some reason you’re bored with the idea of looking for…