Best of the Blog 2022, Volume 7

The Solid Signal Blog is your resource for thousands of articles and reviews, with new content coming every day. 2023 marks our seventeeth year since our humble beginnings, and today over 250,000 people read the blog every month. Every month, the staff gets together and gathers articles that really seem like they have long-term appeal. Here’s the list for July, 2022:

  1. 2022 Edition: How to set a Static IP address for your DIRECTV receiver
  2. 2022 Edition: How much internet speed do you really need?
  3. Can an indoor antenna be as good as an outdoor one?
  4. Can you use an outdoor antenna indoors?
  5. What is a launch amplifier?
  6. Which DECA should you choose?
  7. Should you worry about DIRECTV equipment being hacked?
  8. Can you use old coax cable as ground wire?
  9. Can you use a cellular antenna without the booster? Would it work as well?
  10. What does the red port on a splitter do?
  11. FACTS: A phone is no substitute for a marine radio
  12. Can you turn a TV antenna sideways? Will it still work?
  13. Should you go “all in” on eSIM?
  14. What’s the best antenna?
  15. Will Microsoft Outlook ever get any better?
  16. Looking for custom 50-ohm cables? Solid Signal is your solution
  17. How do infrared remotes work?
  18. What is a “75-ohm antenna?”
  19. UPDATED for 2022 and beyond: DIRECTV Error 721, 724, or 725? Here’s how to fix it
  20. 5 Reasons to stay with satellite TV
  21. How many H44 receivers can be used on one SWM?
  22. Can your antenna actually melt in the sun?
  23. Adding noise to a line is bad, so why aren’t all amps super-low-noise?
  24. Get the Best DIRECTV Technical Support
  25. A reminder: Don’t stream in your business. They will find out.
  26. A cell booster for your RV?
  27. 5 TV Settings that should be illegal: THE REBUTTAL
  28. Still watching TV in standard definition? There’s never been a better time to upgrade
  29. Will DIRECTV ever make new standalone receivers?
  30. Over-the-air antenna TV on the water? It can be done!
  31. 2022 and beyond: Are all the ports on a DIRECTV box active?
  32. Why isn’t Bluetooth any better?
  33. Which power cord do I need for my DIRECTV box?
  34. Why don’t all TV antennas pick up VHF?
  35. The “must-have” upgrade for your RV
  36. Where should you put the cell phone signal booster in your RV?

About the Author

Stuart Sweet
Stuart Sweet is the editor-in-chief of The Solid Signal Blog and a "master plumber" at Signal Group, LLC. He is the author of over 10,000 articles and longform tutorials including many posted here. Reach him by clicking on "Contact the Editor" at the bottom of this page.